There are many funding options out there. The most commonly known and used is a traditional bank loan, since many people are familiar with the process. If you look into other funding options, you will find that factoring is pretty different and maybe a little confusing if you don’t understand how it works. Here are just a few of the differences between factoring and a bank loan:
- There are three parties involved (the factoring company, the business factoring their invoices, and that business’s clients), as opposed to two in banking (the lender and the lendee).
- Factoring will typically provide you with more cash per invoice.
- It usually can generate cash within a day of invoicing.
- Factoring doesn’t require any collateral.
- Most factoring companies will provide additional services. These include credit checks, invoice auditing, and collection duties.
- Factoring isn’t solely based on the business’s credit history, but more so on the creditworthiness of the business’s clients that receive the original invoices.
- The amount of capital available in factoring can grow as the business and its sales grow.
- Factoring is debt and interest free.
If factoring your invoices sounds like the right fit for your business, sign up with us today!